FR DISCLOSURE MONOGRAM DOLL Integrity T 2010 LE350 93007 Wu Convention Doll NRFB
February 29th 2024 -

This amazing “Disclosure” FR: Monogram Doll is from the. 2010 IT Dark Romance Convention Collection. The Jason Wu packaging for this doll is especially unique. FR: DISCLOSURE_ MONOGRAM Dressed Doll. 12.5 inch doll. Beautiful doll has long black hair &’new hispanic skin tone’. Dressed in heels, fishnets w/garters, black ruffle top. She is Unopened and Complete. Category: 2010 FR Monogram Dressed Doll Line: Fashion Royalty Sculpt: Disclosure Body Type: FR Tall Skin Tone: FR White Hispanic / multi Hair Color: Black Hair Year: 2010 Edition Size: 350 Item Type: Dealers. Convention Exclusive: Dark Romance 2010. CONDITION: NRFB Doll has never been removed from the box. Kept in Temp Control /no dust /no fragrance environ. Box & shipper will be Double Boxed. I do not see any staining or discoloration, but without removing her from the box, I can’t see all of her body. I can’t see if there was a COA or not. Doll looks pristine, as does her colorful box with metal JASON WU Clip at top of Box – See Pics :. Shipper is also in excellent condition_We Double-Box. Once removed from box and/or undressed. Thank you for Looking! E N J O Y! _Click the link for tracking details.
Tags: convention, disclosure, doll, integrity, le350, monogram, nrfb