HONOLULU SUNSET Augustus Gus Blake 12 NUDE DOLL Fashion Royalty MUST READ
September 15th 2024 -
This listing is for the Integrity Produced “Honolulu Sunset” Augustus “Gus” Blake. This is from the East 59th Street collection and is NEW. He has Darius 1.0/Gus Head Sculpt, black flocking hair, the Homme 1.5 body. And the Nubian s. He will come with his doll stand. Actual nude doll you will be receiving is shown in the above photos. DO TAKE NOTE: THERE IS SOME SORT OF STREAKS ON HIS FACE. DEPENDING ON HOW YOU POSE HIM IN THE LIGHT IT CAN BE VERY OBVIOUS OR NOT AT ALL. BUT LIKE I MENTION, DEPENDING ON THE PLACEMENT, I DIDN’T NOTICE IT. If you have any questions, please ask.
Tags: augustus, blake, doll, fashion, honolulu, must, nude, read, royalty, sunset